The Stony Ford House

The Stony Ford House

Listing Category: Country , Historic , House , Locations , Woods ,


History abounds in this striking private dwelling built around the 1840s in the Greek Revival tradition. It was originally known as the Sutton House, an upscale country inn.  The first and second floors served as entertainment spaces while the third floor housed guest bedrooms. In 1864, Charles Backman purchased the home and turned it into a horse-breeding farm that very much helped set the tone for the esteemed horse-racing culture for which Goshen, NY is famous.  The Stony Ford House also has the distinction of being the place where Ulysses S. Grant smoked his last cigar. With 17 acres of woodlands behind the house, approximately 5200 sq ft., gorgeous architectural details, and renovations underway, this romantic property is perfect for films and commercial shoots.